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First Blog Ever...

Being inspired by an important person in my life to start a blog for a while now, I have finally decided to get off my lazy ass and finally start this thing. Although I have no idea of what to actually include in my blog or if anyone would actually read my blog, I guess I should start off by saying "Hi, My name is Billy or Bleh or Billeh....etc etc."

Let me just start by saying that I lead a pretty boring life. Being a pharmacy student leaves me little time and opportunity for any fun or even to have a life, but when I do get the chance, I grab it and go absolutely crazy =]. Although even at Uni and at work, some very interesting things do happen in the pharmacy industry, which do keep me from dying of boredom.

For instance, the other, in one of our practicals, we had to make suppositories for a little kid. In case you dont know what suppositories are, they are little rocket-shaped (or cone-shaped) things of varying sizes (from the size of your pinky's nail to about the lenth of your foot) that are supposedly inserted into the bum....the funny thing is, the one that we made was made out of cocoa butter - the exact same ingredient used in chocolate (it even looked like it too.. :S). Although I did run into some problems when making it as one of my group members threw all of mine out before i was able to wrap up these 'rectal rockets' and make them look nice...but I doubt that making them look nicer would make people want to buy them more and use them. However, I have been told that this is sometimes the preferred way of taking drugs in european countries...not sure how true that is but I know I'd rather take my pills in the mouth...thankyou.

Wow I have rambled on quite a bit...Hopefully there is someone out there that finds my life a little bit interesting, or even use it as a form of procrastination, then i will be happy. Signing Out, Bl3h.T

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