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My creative has gone a walk at the moment but I really wanted to blog about something...so here goes - my blog post about nothing haha

This morning, as I sat at my table trying to wait for my water to boil so I could make my coffee, I was contemplating how it would be so cool if I could speak like 10 different languages fluently. Not only could I understand people when they gossip about me or when they are scolding me in some random language, I would be able to meet so many new friends from all over the world. Unfortunately, I'm only fluent in two languages, Cantonese and english, and I mildly know of mandarin and Japanese..only a little bit. I have had several experiences, especially during my trip to Malaysia, I've had people give me death stares and then gossip to the girl/guy next to them in Malay or something or other. At the time I shrugged it off and thought they are probably just saying how handsome I was...haha but how I really wish I knew what they said..since I can't remember what they said, I'll just leave as they told me I was very kecak =)

I have learnt other languages before but I am not very language orientated. I learnt Japanese for about 6-7 years and I still can't speak it fluently. In other words, I'm a language dumbass :) I have already forgotten so much of it mainly because nobody speaks to me in Japanese nor do I ever practise. (if anyone is willing to give me free lessons, feel free to leave me a message :P) I don't know if anyone has ever noticed but there are some languages that sounds good and even sexy but then there are those that just sound rude and like their arguing even though it's a simple hello....here is the end of my "nothing" post and aren't you glad I wasted like 10 minute of your life :P hehehe

Signing Out,

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