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I give up!

I GIVE UP!! this is definitely one of phrases that I have used quite often in my life. Whenever something goes wrong or not to my liking, I'm always just like I give up! But recently trying to struggle through finding myself and what and who I want to be in the future, I've realized how childish and immature it is of me for always being like that. This is after real life and not just some video that can be reset if you lose.

After reading several blogs, I have become inspired by all the dreams and ambitions that they have. Ive come to realize nobody just hands you your dream on a silver platter. I have to work hard for it. Even though I'm not sure if I genuinely want to be a pharmacist, there's no way to know unless I work hard now and actually become one before I can start trying out different things and jobs and careers. It's not like I don't have time. I guess this is one of those questions that may take years and maybe my whole life. At least i tried dying right? Instead of just laying in my bed thinking "I don't know what to do with my life...."

People who know me may say "I've finally grown up" haha I hope you are right and it's about time! Next year I will have finished my degree and will have to start working! I better be grown up before that time! Haha anyway I'd like to thank those that have given me words of advice through this time of seeking myself. THANK YOU! I WON'T give up!!

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