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Bored and Contemplative

Having worked in a pharmacy for almost a year as an assistant has really got me thinking....Of the hundreds of people who I have given advice to about their sickness or medication, I wonder how many of them actually took my advice or even believed what I've told them?

I, for one, admit that I am a hypocrite (along with many other health professionals). Despite knowing how important it is for me to take my medication and demanding others to take their medication, I rarely do the same. I know, very hypocritical right? Its just like this afternoon, I was having class next to one of the hospitals and as I walked to the local shopping centre for lunch, I see nurses and some doctors smoking along with their patients. I mean if i was the patient, I probably wouldn't believe you either doc, or take you seriously about stopping smoking or dieting if you were the exact same.

The same goes with me. Sometimes I wonder how many of the adults actually take what a 19 year old student says seriously....I mean do they actually avoid alcohol when I tell them to? or to stop having unprotected sex or sex at all for a week?? sometimes I dont even take my advice seriously...

Apparently, us, as health professionals, make the WORSE patients. I agree. Self-diagnosis, Self-treatment, Self-referral. How much worse can it get? I know from personal experience. In our heads, we have some idea of what we think it is. If we consult a doctor or other health professional and they give a different diagnosis, we may or may not believe them (usually the latter) as its different from our own conclusion. Once I went to 3 different doctors before I finally believed what he said....I know its a bit extreme haha But I also get people (dont want to name a specific group of health professionals) who THINK they know things, but actually don't.

I mean seriously,

I respect the field that you are in and what you know in that field, but please don't come in ours and doubt us.

haha sounds a bit bitchy, but so so true. Anyway I better stop before I offend any one haha

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