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Ever since moving away from home to go to university, I barely keep in touch with my friends who are in high school, except the few who I was really close with, such as my best friend and his girlfriend. Everyone else kind of just disappeared out of my life and have all moved on and not looked back. For me, every now and then I like to look back at my past and think to myself, what was, is and what it could have been if I had kept in touch with everyone.

Although I do bump into some of these 'old' friends once in a while, its just not the same and sometimes even awkward. I don't know if it is just me, but I feel as if I was trying to make conversation with a complete stranger. It always starts with a "hey! what have you been up to?" and ends with a "we should catch up soon!". However, after having these conversations countless times, I have realised that these 'catch-ups' never happen, and just like what happened after we left school, we go our different directions and somewhere along the way, we may or may not run into each other again.

Somtimes I do get sad to think that people can just get up, leave and never look back. However, I guess that is life. No matter how much fun you've had together or what you've been through, there are no guarantees. No one stays in your life forever, despite how much we wish and hope that they do. All we can hope for is that there are those that are willing to walk next to you for part of the journey so that it is less lonely.

Many people walk past in our lives, some may stop and accompany you along your journey, others leave footsteps, others don't even stop to look, but in the end, we all end up walking our separate paths alone.

So just be grateful and treasure the times when there is someone willing to walk with you on your journey. Every step taken together is a blessing.

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